Wednesday, 23 March 2016

12 Very Real Struggles of Being 25.

1. If you were to audition for the Xfactor and got through you would be in the OVERS category. Yehh that category none of the judges ever want. 

2. You've probably noticed your first wrinkle and yet still break out in spots. So you still have to buy spot cream and now fork out on some expensive anti-wrinkle cream as well. Life is so unfair. 

3. "I'll just drink some water and pop a couple of paracetamol before bed, that'll sort the hangover out." HAHA. Two day hangovers are now your life. 

4. You thought by 25 you would have it together and be a proper adult. Yet  here you are,  feeling just as untogether and immature as you did when you were 18. 

5. You now have to tick the next age category box on forms, like job applications etc. Just another lovely reminder that your no longer 24. 

6. Your next big birthday will be your 30th. The big THREE OH. You definitely need to have your shit together by then. 

7. You constantly face the dilema every weekend of whether to get glammed up and go out or to stick on your PJs and curl up on the couch with some Pringles. Pringles and the couch always win.

8. You probably were a fresher 7 or 8 years ago now. Where the hell did the time go!? There is also such a things as Re-Freshers week now! 

9. Everyday on Facebook someone you went to school with is getting engaged or having a baby. Like an actual small human they have to look after. No thanks I'm perfectly happy with my irresponsible, my dog is like my baby, life. 

10. You face a daily struggle of wanting to work hard and build your career, or pack it all in and go travelling . I'll meet you at the airport. 

11. Your halfway to 50. Soz. 

12. And if you weren't already, you are probably about to go through a major quarter life crisis after reading this. 
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